Thursday, September 17, 2009


Both of my parent's were Italian immigrants with, at best, a minimal amount of formal education. However, they gave me some of the most useful advice on getting to the bottom of who's who and what's what - "FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL."

Which brings us to multi-billionaire George Soros. Everybody has an agenda, and George Soros' agenda is knocking America off it's global pedestal.

By the way, have I mentioned George Soros donated a large fortune to Obama's campaign. And that doesn't include other members of Soros family, who donated as well.


This month President Obama guaranteed loans up to 10 billion dollars to a nationalized oil company out of Brazil named PETROBRAS for oil exploration. Stranger than fiction - just a few days before Obama's loans, and guarentees this money, Obama's mentor repositioned himself in the stock market - heavily investing in PETROBRAS.


According to analysis of the federal election commission records - Obama's 2008 campaign received 12.6 million from wall street investments, and firms. Since 1998, the financial sector has given a total of 37.6 million to Obama. There's nothing like a good crisis to give a little PAYBACK.

Nine of the banks that received 175 billion of taxpayer dollars through the troubled asset relief program really appreciated Obama's big heart. They just shelled out 33 million in bonuses to some of the same employee's who caused the crisis. Don't misunderstand me. I think hard work, and success should be compensated but no bonuses for failure.


What's with all the special czars? Most of them with far out philosophies, and goals. Only a couple have been approved by the senate. They only answer to the President. What's with all the secrecy? To quote the President, "You can judge me by the people I surround myself with". This is where it gets a little scary. Obama claims his only ties to Acorn is that he represented them in court one time. Again he's being less than truthful. According to Ms. Toni Foulkes, who is a Chicago Acorn leader, and member of Acorn National Association board, every year since 1992 until at least the winter of 2003. President Obama taught a "Session of Power" for Acorn.

Then again, I have to consider Reverend Wright who baptised Obama's children. Obama attended his church for 20 years, and yet never heard Rev. Wright make a racial statement, or condemn the U.S.A. Let's take a look at William Ayers. He was a terrorist in the late 1960's bombing police stations with his girlfriend. It's been said the Obama had been invited to Ayer's house. The list goes on and on and on with people who have too much intelligence, and not a lick of common sense. Most of them think like they came from another planet. And they can solve life and death problems as if it was a mathematical equation.

More recently, his green czar Van Jones resigned under pressure. A self proclaimed communist, he has been involved with way out movements for decades. By the way, guess who he's working with now? September 6, he resigned. September 9, he's back at the Center for America's Progress, where he was previously a senior fellow.

Incidentally, this is a George Soros corporation. Please don't be fooled by the name.


Did you ever stop to consider the consequences of Government controlling radio, television, and now the Internet. Communications. Obama has a czar working behind the scenes in each one of these vital industries. As a matter of fact, the Senate just approved his latest Czar who believes your pet should have legal representation in court. (Probably tax payer dollars) Oh yea, did I mention, if you have rats in your house, you can't kill them. Think I'm kidding? Look up Cass Sunstein. Does it sound like I'm trying to alarm you? Perhaps I am. Do you think it's time to pay closer attention to the politicians in both parties. They seem to have their own agenda - instead of the voice of America.

Obama has made the statement 'the constitution is fundamentally flawed'. Strangely enough, it served to make this country the greatest country in the world for the past 200 years.

The forefathers who designed the constitution came from a government exactly like the one Obama is trying to bring us back to.

Too much intellect, not a lick of common sense.


It's only one of America's greatest achievements. So why are we cutting back while Russia, China, and Iran have pulled all the stops out and are rebuilding their militaries 24/7. In my opinion, being a paper tiger just won't cut it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"A Pig in the Poke - Obama Care"

President Obama may have an eloquent vocabulary, but he presents himself like a used car salesman - selling the sizzle, not the steak. I doubt if the President read the 1,600+ pages of the health bill, yet he goes on T.V. promoting pie in the sky - dazzling us with his brilliance, and baffling us with his bullshit. Do you really want to know what to expect in Obama Care? Go on line and check out Ezekiel J. Emanuel. He is the brother of Rahn Emanuel (Chief of Staff to the President), and more recently became a Special Advisor for Health Policy to Peter Orszag, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. The Office of Management and Budget's role is to assist the White House in the preparation and administration of the federal budget. Hitler wouldn't think his views were unorthodox but you might. Especially if you're between the ages of 15 and over 50. The dreaded non productive years.


Have you ever heard of a formula called Quality Adjusted Life Years - Allocating health care based on perceived societal worth (or maybe, who you know)? How about the term 'Passive Euthanasia'? Do you remember Dr. Kevorkian or better known as Dr. Death? Every government program in existence has been presented to the American tax payer under budget, and inevitably, comes in billions of dollars over.
If you think you'll be able to keep your own health insurance - you're either naive or daydreaming. There is not a business in the world that can compete with Government. Don't forget how quick the policitians on both sides are willing to print money.

According to 'Center on Budget and Policy Priorities' web site, health care is about 20% of our total budget. Care and longevity will go on the chopping block so the tax payers can pay for all the political pork and fraud. Do you want health insurance? How about the same insurance program the Senate, Congress, and the President has? After all, we're footing the bill.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


August 15, 1971 -
That was the day that President Richard Nixon closed the gold window ending the ability of other central banks to convert their dollars to gold at the fixed price of $35.oo per ounce. What that event did do was free the U.S. from ever having to provide a redeemable alternative to our paper currency - which, in effect, was the complete opposite from why it had become the world's reserve currency in the first place. In actuality, by the stroke of a pen, the U.S. now had created the world's first officially non redeemable reserve currency giving it a monopoly on the world's banking system. Needless to say, the price of gold has increased from $35.00 an ounce to $953.70(+-) an ounce.

On the other hand, if you look at the declining value of the dollar you'll get a huge insight to what happens when you print your own money - it's called INFLATION. When I was in high school, a Cadillac El Dorado cost about $5,500. (That was in 1959) Today, it's around $55,000. In the seventies, housing was $15.00 a sq ft. Today it's $150.00 a sq ft. The problem is the majority of the populations income hasn't been able to stay abreast of inflation. To put it another way, to stay abreast with the printing presses of the Federal Reserve.

It was FDR in 1933 that ended the gold standard in favor of the Federal Reserve. Hence the printing presses started up and rolling out Federal Reserve notes. It's obvious Obama is too young to remember the time the German people needed a wheel barrel filled with marks (German dollars) just to buy a loaf of bread. You would think that history lesson might prompt Obama to ask himself - 'Gee, I wonder if that could ever happen again.' I guess Harvard skipped over that course because Obama is printing money 24/7. I think it's great to be able to afford a college education, especially an Ivy League one. But it's all for not if you don't combine intellect with the common sense the good Lord gave you. This is consistent with all consumer goods. If you've been to a grocery store lately - you'll see a 30% increase on items. If they are the same price, it's in a much smaller package. You have to stop and think what effect this will have on one's savings and retirements.

What most people don't understand is the Federal Reserve is NOT part of our Government. It's a private corporation that's paid to print our money, and I might add even Congress can't look at their books. It's a joke to think Americans would allow this to happen. Don't you think we Americans might be getting just a little fat and comfy, and a lot APATHETIC?

Unless you subscribe to the philosophy that Government owes us a life of Utopia - from the womb to the tomb. Americans need to wake up and speak up!

Past administrations and our present one is loaded with self serving paid servants. Not looking out for or me or the United States of America. Instead, feather bedding the lining of their pockets. It's time for reform . Let's get back to center. Not all - but many career politicians need to go. Sen. Dodd, and Sen. Conrad got caught with their pants down. Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid are the chief architects of why this country is stumbling around, and their at it again. Watch and listen to their nonsense . Not an ounce of common sense between the three of them.

The truth of the matter is they have an agenda. We have to ask ourselves has good or harm come from their collective endeavors. If it's harm, let's vote them out of office. It's time to clean house and elect patriots. If you love the land of milk and honey - STAND UP, BE COUNTED - SPEAK OUT!

Friday, July 24, 2009


In Government, politicians often figure, but the figures don't lie. Six months ago the President said we needed a massive stimulus bill to jump start the economy. Create new jobs - get the country back on track. Since then, only half of 1% has been spent - WHY?


The president's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel reportedly has been quoted as saying something to the effect of "You never let a good crisis go to waste". With that in mind - if 7% unemployment is good (for the cause), then 11% is much better. For what you might ask?

Well, stop and think, what happens to the people that are losing their jobs? They lose their health insurance as well. Hence the momentum for the President's health care take over becomes more appealing to Americans. The approval rate goes up. He's already bought and paid for the auto union worker's vote with tax dollars.

Obama is pretty slick. He knows exactly what he's doing. It's more of his Chicago style politics to manifest a power take over at any cost. His agenda must be stopped before it's too late. He's destroying America from within.

Obama's mentoring is beginning to show through. When asked an unrehearsed question about police brutality and forced to speak without a teleprompter, Obama revealed a crack in his armor, exposing signs of racism.

Obama has been continually praised for his brilliance which gives even more credence to my theory that by deliberately stalling the recovery of the economy - it would definitely work to his advantage for his government health insurance take over.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Return to Common Sense in Government

IF we're going to have health care in the U.S., let's do it right - fair and square. I think U.S. Citizen's should have the same insurance program that our Senator's and Congressmen (and President) have. Why not? The tax payers are picking up the tab. Why let our politicians treat us like second class citizen's?
Fifty to sixty million people, plus 12 - 15 million illegals will be looking for quality care. The problem is the U.S. doesn't have the doctors - nurses - health care workers or the facilities in place to handle the work load. Do you know what that means? We will be importing the medical field from foreign countries (green card give a ways). You'll have to be bi-lingual in order to communicate with your doctor. I know from my own experience at the V.A. I come away wondering exactly what he said, and how the problem was rated along with a lot of blank looks.
Neither Bush nor Obama has done anything creative about our borders. Perhaps, it makes sense to impose a sur - charge of $5,000 each illegal. Let them go to work legally - pay taxes and become good citizens. They are getting free health care, anyway.
Being realistic when you look at the Stimulus Program that is costing 4 billion a day in interest charges, you've got to wonder what the "Community Organizer" is thinking. Sometimes, I think he's following a script from a book. Personally, I don't think this is the time for more debt. Nor do I think health care is our NUMBER 1 problem. I also don't want the government in bed with me. Should I go to the hospital - let's stop the bleeding first. Then take a long, hard look at the cost, and quality, and how it's going to be paid for. CALL YOUR SENATOR AND CONGRESSMEN, AND TELL THEM TO PUT THE BILL ON HOLD FOR A SIX MONTH EVALUATION! TELL THEM TO READ THE BILL BEFORE VOTING ON IT! Think about all the promises Obama made - no pork bills - no lobbyists - transparency - depression if his stimulus wasn't passed immediately. All bull and scare tactics. So far just a lot of debt. We all need to be less apathetic. and help get our Country back on tract. More spending at this time will only mean tremendous inflation. Let's not be fooled by thinking the rich will pick up the tab. If you tax the wealthy, they will jack up the cost of their goods, and pass it on to us The Consumer. Obama is pretty slick, if you listen real carefully, you'll see he talks in circles / innuendos, and half truths. Like change you can believe in. Technically, it's just his style of Chicago politics.
When Obama was a Senator, he voted against all health care plans that came up for a vote. Check it out. Now he comes across like a used car salesman that is telling you it's your last chance to buy an Edsel. Let's keep America strong, and safe, and working. LESS GOVERNMENT - MORE PRIVATE ENTERPRISE!