Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Return to Common Sense in Government

IF we're going to have health care in the U.S., let's do it right - fair and square. I think U.S. Citizen's should have the same insurance program that our Senator's and Congressmen (and President) have. Why not? The tax payers are picking up the tab. Why let our politicians treat us like second class citizen's?
Fifty to sixty million people, plus 12 - 15 million illegals will be looking for quality care. The problem is the U.S. doesn't have the doctors - nurses - health care workers or the facilities in place to handle the work load. Do you know what that means? We will be importing the medical field from foreign countries (green card give a ways). You'll have to be bi-lingual in order to communicate with your doctor. I know from my own experience at the V.A. I come away wondering exactly what he said, and how the problem was rated along with a lot of blank looks.
Neither Bush nor Obama has done anything creative about our borders. Perhaps, it makes sense to impose a sur - charge of $5,000 each illegal. Let them go to work legally - pay taxes and become good citizens. They are getting free health care, anyway.
Being realistic when you look at the Stimulus Program that is costing 4 billion a day in interest charges, you've got to wonder what the "Community Organizer" is thinking. Sometimes, I think he's following a script from a book. Personally, I don't think this is the time for more debt. Nor do I think health care is our NUMBER 1 problem. I also don't want the government in bed with me. Should I go to the hospital - let's stop the bleeding first. Then take a long, hard look at the cost, and quality, and how it's going to be paid for. CALL YOUR SENATOR AND CONGRESSMEN, AND TELL THEM TO PUT THE BILL ON HOLD FOR A SIX MONTH EVALUATION! TELL THEM TO READ THE BILL BEFORE VOTING ON IT! Think about all the promises Obama made - no pork bills - no lobbyists - transparency - depression if his stimulus wasn't passed immediately. All bull and scare tactics. So far just a lot of debt. We all need to be less apathetic. and help get our Country back on tract. More spending at this time will only mean tremendous inflation. Let's not be fooled by thinking the rich will pick up the tab. If you tax the wealthy, they will jack up the cost of their goods, and pass it on to us The Consumer. Obama is pretty slick, if you listen real carefully, you'll see he talks in circles / innuendos, and half truths. Like change you can believe in. Technically, it's just his style of Chicago politics.
When Obama was a Senator, he voted against all health care plans that came up for a vote. Check it out. Now he comes across like a used car salesman that is telling you it's your last chance to buy an Edsel. Let's keep America strong, and safe, and working. LESS GOVERNMENT - MORE PRIVATE ENTERPRISE!

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