Friday, July 24, 2009


In Government, politicians often figure, but the figures don't lie. Six months ago the President said we needed a massive stimulus bill to jump start the economy. Create new jobs - get the country back on track. Since then, only half of 1% has been spent - WHY?


The president's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel reportedly has been quoted as saying something to the effect of "You never let a good crisis go to waste". With that in mind - if 7% unemployment is good (for the cause), then 11% is much better. For what you might ask?

Well, stop and think, what happens to the people that are losing their jobs? They lose their health insurance as well. Hence the momentum for the President's health care take over becomes more appealing to Americans. The approval rate goes up. He's already bought and paid for the auto union worker's vote with tax dollars.

Obama is pretty slick. He knows exactly what he's doing. It's more of his Chicago style politics to manifest a power take over at any cost. His agenda must be stopped before it's too late. He's destroying America from within.

Obama's mentoring is beginning to show through. When asked an unrehearsed question about police brutality and forced to speak without a teleprompter, Obama revealed a crack in his armor, exposing signs of racism.

Obama has been continually praised for his brilliance which gives even more credence to my theory that by deliberately stalling the recovery of the economy - it would definitely work to his advantage for his government health insurance take over.

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