Wednesday, August 5, 2009


August 15, 1971 -
That was the day that President Richard Nixon closed the gold window ending the ability of other central banks to convert their dollars to gold at the fixed price of $35.oo per ounce. What that event did do was free the U.S. from ever having to provide a redeemable alternative to our paper currency - which, in effect, was the complete opposite from why it had become the world's reserve currency in the first place. In actuality, by the stroke of a pen, the U.S. now had created the world's first officially non redeemable reserve currency giving it a monopoly on the world's banking system. Needless to say, the price of gold has increased from $35.00 an ounce to $953.70(+-) an ounce.

On the other hand, if you look at the declining value of the dollar you'll get a huge insight to what happens when you print your own money - it's called INFLATION. When I was in high school, a Cadillac El Dorado cost about $5,500. (That was in 1959) Today, it's around $55,000. In the seventies, housing was $15.00 a sq ft. Today it's $150.00 a sq ft. The problem is the majority of the populations income hasn't been able to stay abreast of inflation. To put it another way, to stay abreast with the printing presses of the Federal Reserve.

It was FDR in 1933 that ended the gold standard in favor of the Federal Reserve. Hence the printing presses started up and rolling out Federal Reserve notes. It's obvious Obama is too young to remember the time the German people needed a wheel barrel filled with marks (German dollars) just to buy a loaf of bread. You would think that history lesson might prompt Obama to ask himself - 'Gee, I wonder if that could ever happen again.' I guess Harvard skipped over that course because Obama is printing money 24/7. I think it's great to be able to afford a college education, especially an Ivy League one. But it's all for not if you don't combine intellect with the common sense the good Lord gave you. This is consistent with all consumer goods. If you've been to a grocery store lately - you'll see a 30% increase on items. If they are the same price, it's in a much smaller package. You have to stop and think what effect this will have on one's savings and retirements.

What most people don't understand is the Federal Reserve is NOT part of our Government. It's a private corporation that's paid to print our money, and I might add even Congress can't look at their books. It's a joke to think Americans would allow this to happen. Don't you think we Americans might be getting just a little fat and comfy, and a lot APATHETIC?

Unless you subscribe to the philosophy that Government owes us a life of Utopia - from the womb to the tomb. Americans need to wake up and speak up!

Past administrations and our present one is loaded with self serving paid servants. Not looking out for or me or the United States of America. Instead, feather bedding the lining of their pockets. It's time for reform . Let's get back to center. Not all - but many career politicians need to go. Sen. Dodd, and Sen. Conrad got caught with their pants down. Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid are the chief architects of why this country is stumbling around, and their at it again. Watch and listen to their nonsense . Not an ounce of common sense between the three of them.

The truth of the matter is they have an agenda. We have to ask ourselves has good or harm come from their collective endeavors. If it's harm, let's vote them out of office. It's time to clean house and elect patriots. If you love the land of milk and honey - STAND UP, BE COUNTED - SPEAK OUT!

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