Thursday, August 13, 2009

"A Pig in the Poke - Obama Care"

President Obama may have an eloquent vocabulary, but he presents himself like a used car salesman - selling the sizzle, not the steak. I doubt if the President read the 1,600+ pages of the health bill, yet he goes on T.V. promoting pie in the sky - dazzling us with his brilliance, and baffling us with his bullshit. Do you really want to know what to expect in Obama Care? Go on line and check out Ezekiel J. Emanuel. He is the brother of Rahn Emanuel (Chief of Staff to the President), and more recently became a Special Advisor for Health Policy to Peter Orszag, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. The Office of Management and Budget's role is to assist the White House in the preparation and administration of the federal budget. Hitler wouldn't think his views were unorthodox but you might. Especially if you're between the ages of 15 and over 50. The dreaded non productive years.


Have you ever heard of a formula called Quality Adjusted Life Years - Allocating health care based on perceived societal worth (or maybe, who you know)? How about the term 'Passive Euthanasia'? Do you remember Dr. Kevorkian or better known as Dr. Death? Every government program in existence has been presented to the American tax payer under budget, and inevitably, comes in billions of dollars over.
If you think you'll be able to keep your own health insurance - you're either naive or daydreaming. There is not a business in the world that can compete with Government. Don't forget how quick the policitians on both sides are willing to print money.

According to 'Center on Budget and Policy Priorities' web site, health care is about 20% of our total budget. Care and longevity will go on the chopping block so the tax payers can pay for all the political pork and fraud. Do you want health insurance? How about the same insurance program the Senate, Congress, and the President has? After all, we're footing the bill.

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