Thursday, September 17, 2009


Both of my parent's were Italian immigrants with, at best, a minimal amount of formal education. However, they gave me some of the most useful advice on getting to the bottom of who's who and what's what - "FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL."

Which brings us to multi-billionaire George Soros. Everybody has an agenda, and George Soros' agenda is knocking America off it's global pedestal.

By the way, have I mentioned George Soros donated a large fortune to Obama's campaign. And that doesn't include other members of Soros family, who donated as well.


This month President Obama guaranteed loans up to 10 billion dollars to a nationalized oil company out of Brazil named PETROBRAS for oil exploration. Stranger than fiction - just a few days before Obama's loans, and guarentees this money, Obama's mentor repositioned himself in the stock market - heavily investing in PETROBRAS.


According to analysis of the federal election commission records - Obama's 2008 campaign received 12.6 million from wall street investments, and firms. Since 1998, the financial sector has given a total of 37.6 million to Obama. There's nothing like a good crisis to give a little PAYBACK.

Nine of the banks that received 175 billion of taxpayer dollars through the troubled asset relief program really appreciated Obama's big heart. They just shelled out 33 million in bonuses to some of the same employee's who caused the crisis. Don't misunderstand me. I think hard work, and success should be compensated but no bonuses for failure.


What's with all the special czars? Most of them with far out philosophies, and goals. Only a couple have been approved by the senate. They only answer to the President. What's with all the secrecy? To quote the President, "You can judge me by the people I surround myself with". This is where it gets a little scary. Obama claims his only ties to Acorn is that he represented them in court one time. Again he's being less than truthful. According to Ms. Toni Foulkes, who is a Chicago Acorn leader, and member of Acorn National Association board, every year since 1992 until at least the winter of 2003. President Obama taught a "Session of Power" for Acorn.

Then again, I have to consider Reverend Wright who baptised Obama's children. Obama attended his church for 20 years, and yet never heard Rev. Wright make a racial statement, or condemn the U.S.A. Let's take a look at William Ayers. He was a terrorist in the late 1960's bombing police stations with his girlfriend. It's been said the Obama had been invited to Ayer's house. The list goes on and on and on with people who have too much intelligence, and not a lick of common sense. Most of them think like they came from another planet. And they can solve life and death problems as if it was a mathematical equation.

More recently, his green czar Van Jones resigned under pressure. A self proclaimed communist, he has been involved with way out movements for decades. By the way, guess who he's working with now? September 6, he resigned. September 9, he's back at the Center for America's Progress, where he was previously a senior fellow.

Incidentally, this is a George Soros corporation. Please don't be fooled by the name.


Did you ever stop to consider the consequences of Government controlling radio, television, and now the Internet. Communications. Obama has a czar working behind the scenes in each one of these vital industries. As a matter of fact, the Senate just approved his latest Czar who believes your pet should have legal representation in court. (Probably tax payer dollars) Oh yea, did I mention, if you have rats in your house, you can't kill them. Think I'm kidding? Look up Cass Sunstein. Does it sound like I'm trying to alarm you? Perhaps I am. Do you think it's time to pay closer attention to the politicians in both parties. They seem to have their own agenda - instead of the voice of America.

Obama has made the statement 'the constitution is fundamentally flawed'. Strangely enough, it served to make this country the greatest country in the world for the past 200 years.

The forefathers who designed the constitution came from a government exactly like the one Obama is trying to bring us back to.

Too much intellect, not a lick of common sense.


It's only one of America's greatest achievements. So why are we cutting back while Russia, China, and Iran have pulled all the stops out and are rebuilding their militaries 24/7. In my opinion, being a paper tiger just won't cut it.